GB-RADNEXT Workshop in June 2024

Invitation to
GB-RADNEXT Workshop 2024
The Workshop for Industry on Radiation Hardness Testing of Semiconductor Devices and Systems at the RADNEXT Facilities: Future Facilities and Future Perspectives
Date: June 12th–13th, 2024
In-Person Event
Location: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell (United Kingdom)
Organizers: RADNEXT, PAC-G (IRT nanoelec), RADECS association, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Workshop fee: The attendance is free of charge
Program: Preliminary Program (might be subject to change)
Registration: OPEN
Radiation effects in semiconductor devices have come to play a major role in the performance and reliability of today’s electronics. Several questions also arise from emerging applications (such as self-driving cars, nanosatellites, medical implants etc.). As the demand for radiation hardness testing is on the rise, the availability of radiation facilities providing industrial access to perform these tests at least for certain radiation types are not able to catch up with the increasing demand. Traditional testing methodologies also seem to be limited in face of new semiconductor technologies, the increased usage of commercial components of the shelf and new applications fields.
The RADNEXT program – an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure project – started in June 2021 and is addressing most of these challenges. In particular, it aims at bridging the gap between industrial and academic users of radiation hardness testing and the irradiation facilities providing beam time to them. This workshop is primarily dedicated to the whole industrial community where radiation effects in semiconductor and other microelectronic devices play a crucial role: i.e. the chip designers, the foundries, space companies the end users, the testing companies and the testing equipment manufacturers and many more. The aim of the workshop is to connect the stakeholders from industry with radiation effects experts from academia and representatives from irradiation facilities to stimulate discussion, in the framework of the RADNEXT Initiative.
Building upon the experience, notably linked to the very positive outcome and feedback of the G-RAD workshop in December 2020, the G-RAD(NEXT) workshop in May 2022 and the in-person G-RADNEXT workshop at CERN last November with more than 80 person on site, we propose you to join us in June 2024 and continue from where we left last year. We are proud to announce that the workshop venue will be at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Harwell, UK.
Technical program
The 2-day workshop starts at at 9am (GMT) on the first day and ends in the late afternoon on the second day. The workshop will feature:
- Session 1: Neutron Facilities
- Session 2: Atmospheric Industrial Session
- Session 3: Future Perspectives
- Session 4: Alternative Probes for SEE Testing
- Session 5: Protons and Heavy Ions: The Facilities’ View
- Session 6: Protons and Heavy Ions: The User’s Perspective
- Session 7: The Future of Everything
After each technical session, an in-depth discussion is scheduled, where all participants are welcome to engage and discuss with each other.
More details including speakers and topics are available here.
Social Program
- A social dinner for all workshop participants
- A site visit at ISIS including ChipIr facility
GB-RADNEXT 2024 aims to engage the industrial community with RADNEXT by proposing an event fully dedicated to industry with the following key objectives:
- The future of RADNEXT
- Collect needs, requirements and future trends from the industrial stakeholders
- Contribute to the development of the facility landscape
- Future perspectives from the application side (devices, test methods, etc.)
- Offer networking opportunities between industry, facility experts and other stakeholders in the field
Target audience
- Companies providing or using radiation testing services and consultancy
- Facilities and research infrastructures providing access to users in the field of radiation testing or intending to provide access in the near future
- Academics working in the field of radiation effects on semiconductors
- Organizations involved in the standardisation of testing methods and workflows
Desired Outcomes
Our goal is to increase the level of engagement from industry with the members of the RADNEXT consortium, with a growth of the industrial quota of transnational access and proprietary/confidential access. We want to better serve the industrial community, and in this way to create value for the European industry and increase the socio-economic impact of RADNEXT. Last but not least, we are striving for fostering the European non-dependency and competitiveness in the field of radiation effects and radiation hardness assurance on electronic and microelectronic devices.
The workshop is organised in collaboration between the Platform for Advanced Characterisation (PAC-G), the RADECS association, RADNEXT and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory as the the workshop host.
RADNEXT is the first distributed research infrastructure for the irradiation community to offer EU-funded Transnational Access (TA) for precompetitive and publishable research activities for industry and academia. It is an initiative recently funded in the context of the Horizon 2020 programme connecting more than 30 partners across Europe and beyond (through TRIUMF’s participation), including most of the major facilities providing active in the domain of irradiation.
PAC-G, the Platform for Advanced Characterisation – Grenoble is a service platform dedicated to the characterisation in micro and nanoelectronics developed in Grenoble in the context of the IRT Nanoelec. This platform propose commercial confidential access to advanced synchrotron X-rays and neutrons end-stations available at the ESRF, the ILL and the LPSC to support the industry of semiconductors. PAC-G is very active in the domain of failure analysis and physical or chemical characterisation and since 2016 launched a programme in the domain of the radiation hardness testing.
The RADECS association, created in 1992, aims to promote basic and applied science and research in the field of radiation and its effects on materials, components and systems for space and ground level applications. RADECS association holds the annual RADECS European Conference and occasional RADECS workshops. It promotes research activities, scientific publications, co-operation and exchange with other relevant organisations on radiation effects.
The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) is located at Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire, UK, and it is the largest site of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). STFC is a publicly-funded research council keeping the UK at the forefront of international science. It operates or hosts world class experimental facilities including: In the UK; ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, the Central Laser Facility and RAL Space. STFC is also the majority shareholder in Diamond Light Source Ltd. Overseas; telescopes on La Palma and Hawaii.
Steering committee
- Ennio Capria – European Synchrotron Radiation Facility - Chair
- Ruben Garcia Alia – CERN - RADNEXT
- Francoise Bezerra – CNES - RADECS
- Christopher Frost - RAL - ISIS/ChipIR
- Gerd Datzmann – Datzmann interact & innovate – Organisation chair
Industrial and scientific committee
- Renaud Mangeret - Airbus Defence and Space – Chair
- Magali Haussy - Thales Alenia Space in Belgium
- Christian Chatry - TRAD
- Jens Verbeeck - MAGICS Instruments NV
- Tudor Chirila - Infineon Technologies AG
- Gerald Soelkner - Infineon Technologies
- Philippe Roche - STMicroelectronics
- Gilles Gasiot - STMicroelectronics
- Pierre Xiao Wang - 3D PLUS
- Gonzalo Fernández Romero - ALTER Technology
- Issam Nofal – IROC
- Paavo Heiskanen - ESA/ESTEC
- Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois - ESA/ESTEC
- Jonathan Pellish - NASA
- Philippe Paillet - CEA
- Maria Teresa Alvarez - National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA)
- Jan Budroweit - German Aerospace Center (DLR)
- Damien Lambert - CEA
- Michael J. Campola – NASA
- Benjamin Cheymol - LPSC
Organisation team
- Gerd Datzmann – Datzmann interact & innovate – Organisation chair
- Christopher Frost - ISIS/ChipIR - Local organisation coordinator
- Carlo Cazzaniga - ISIS/ChipIR - Local organisation support
- Maria Kastriotou - ISIS/ChipIR - Local organisation support
- Pablo Federico Lopez – CERN – Organisation coordinator
- Cloe Levointurier-Vajda – CERN – Organisation support
- Sabrina el Yacoubi – CERN – Organisation support
- Roberto Versaci – ELI ERIC
- Jochen Kuhnhenn – Fraunhofer INT
- Camille Belanger-Champagne - TRIUMF
- Marjolaine Giraud – ESRF - Communication support coordinator
- Hanne Stas – KULeuven - Communication support
- Ygor Aguiar – CERN - Communication support