RADNEXT Public Kick-Off & RADSAGA Final Conference

Posted on 1 May 2021


If you are interested in learning more about RADNEXT, make sure to register for the online RADNEXT Kick-Off Meeting, which will take place on 19-20 May, in combination with the RADSAGA Final Conference event!


The "RADSAGA Final Conference and Industrial & RADNEXT Public Kick-Off" event will be held as an on-line event.

The agenda will focus on the RADSAGA Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), who will present the latest outcomes from their research. In addition, the event will also feature key-note expert speakers in the domains of radiation effects in Space, Avionics, Ground and Accelerators.

Moreover, the RADNEXT facility network, recently accepted for EU funding and currently in its implementation phase, will also be presented during the second half of the event.

Free-of-cost registration is open to both RADSAGA & RADNEXT members as well as externals, however in order to receive the connection credential, registration through this Indico site is mandatory.

For the detailed agenda and registration, please visit the event's Indico page!

RADSAGA Innovative Training Network under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Credit: RADSAGA