RADNEXT Milestones

The internal workflow for RADNEXT Milestone reports


Milestone number Milestone title WP number Lead beneficiary Means of verification Due date (months) Actual deadline Status Link
MS01 Consortium Agreement signed WP01 01 - CERN Final version of the Consortium Agreement released 1 2021/06/30 Achieved Available soon
MS02 RADNEXT kick-off meeting WP01 01 - CERN Agenda, attendance list on Indico 2 2021/07/31 Achieved EDMS
MS03 Forming of official bodies required by governance WP01 01 - CERN Project Committee Board approval 6 2021/11/30 Achieved EDMS
MS04 1st RADNEXT annual meeting WP01 01 - CERN Agenda, attendance list on Indico 12 2022/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS05 2nd RADNEXT annual meeting WP01 01 - CERN Agenda, attendance list on Indico 24 2023/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS06 3rd RADNEXT annual meeting WP01 01 - CERN Agenda, attendance list on Indico 36 2024/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS07 4th RADNEXT annual meeting WP01 01 - CERN Agenda, attendance list on Indico 48 2025/05/31
MS08 Project Website launched WP02 03 - KU Leuven Website 3 2021/08/31 Achieved EDMS
MS09 Appointing the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP) WP02 20 - ESRF Project Committee Board approval 6 2021/11/30 Achieved EDMS
MS10 List of commercial components of interest WP02 03 - KU Leuven List of commercial components of interest established 12 2022/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS11 First RADNEXT-to Industry event finished WP02 20 - ESRF Organized event 12 2022/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS12 Second RADNEXT-to Industry event finished WP02 20 - ESRF Organized event 30 2023/11/30 Achieved EDMS
MS13 Third RADNEXT-to Industry event finished WP02 20 - ESRF Organized event 48 2025/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS14 USP and USE appointed WP03 28 - ENEA Panels appointment in PSC meeting minutes 3 2021/08/31 Achieved EDMS
MS15 All RADNEXT facilities info included in database WP03 20 - ESRF All the RADNEXT facilities info are available through CERN facilities database web interface 4 2021/09/30 Achieved EDMS
MS16 Transnational Access application website WP03 01 - CERN Website 6 2021/11/30 Achieved EDMS
MS17 Mid-term assessment of TA and User Support provided WP03 11 - Fraunhofer Report 24 2023/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS18 Best platform for experiment data management identified WP03 28 - ENEA Report 24 2023/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS19 Prototype of remote access to FPGA platform for mixed field irradiation in CHARM WP04 01 - CERN Prototype 36 2024/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS20 Definition Beam Parameters WP05 13 - UO Report 38 2024/07/31 Achieved EDMS
MS21 Prototypes FOD & FGDOS WP05 25 - UJM Prototype: demonstration onsite 44 2025/01/31 Achieved EDMS
MS22 Preliminary setup preparation and stimuli definition for test of systems WP06 26 - UM Report 24 2023/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS23 Preliminary prototype of hardware platform for software qualification WP06 03 - KU Leuven Prototype 30 2023/11/30 Achieved EDMS
MS24 X-ray ATRON Facility modelling WP07 26 - UM Modelling released and simulations are running 24 2023/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS25 Comparison of X-ray / cobalt experimental data WP07 26 - UM Report 36 2024/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS26 Facility modelling for RADNEXT experimental conditions WP08 01 - CERN Modelling released and simulations are running (WP8, WP7, WP5) 18 2022/11/30 Achieved EDMS
MS27 ECORCE evaluation WP08 26 - UM Modelling released and simulations are running 30 2023/11/30 Achieved EDMS
MS28 Validation of FLUKA SEE module WP08 01 - CERN Report including benchmark results and instructions for users 36 2024/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS29 Reporting Gateway for Irradiation Test Reports and TA info through Zenodo fully operational WP01,WP03 28 - ENEA Reporting gateway website is fully operational (WP9, WP10) 12 2022/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS30 Beginning of TNID irradiation campaign WP07 24 - ISAE The first components selected for the TNID campaign are being exposed to a hadron flux. 36 2024/05/31 Achieved EDMS
MS31 RADNEXT final meeting WP1 01 - CERN Agenda, attendance list on Indico 60 2026/05/31