Andreas Pflaum
PhD student (WP05)
University of Oldenburg
Supervisor: Björn Poppe
I started studying Physics at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in 2014 and finished my bachelor thesis in 2018. The topic of this work was the influence of the reconstruction voxel size in the Octavius 4D phantom on the results of treatment plan verifications using ionization chamber arrays. During my master thesis I worked on dose optimization on the Electa XVI cone beam CT which is used for patient positioning verification during radiation therapy sessions. In September 2021 I joined the department of medical radiation physics at the Pius Hospital and University of Oldenburg as a PhD student.
My task in the WP5 work package and my PhD thesis will be the characterization of proton and heavy ion beams by using 2D detector arrays used in radiation therapy quality assurance. Investigations will include beam quality correction factors for the specific detector arrays at high energy proton and ion doses. This will be achieved by running Monte Carlo simulations and measurements across the facilities linked to the RADNEXT project. The final aim of this work will be the full beam characterization at the position of the experiment which the detector arrays have been found to be suitable for.