Dávid Lucsányi
PhD student (WP08)
CERN, University of Montpellier
Supervisor: Frédéric Wrobel
Dávid Lucsányi graduated at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 2016 as an Applied Physicist specialised in Nuclear Technologies.
He joined the CERN TOTEM experiment as a Technical student to work on Diamond detector R&D, then the European Space Agency (ESA) as a Young Graduate Trainee
working on the development of Pyxel astronomical imaging detector effect modelling framework.
Since 2020, he is working in CERN Radiation To Electronics (R2E) project on Monte Carlo simulations and analysis of Single Event Effects (SEE) in electronics,
and has developed the G4SEE radiation effects simulation toolkit. In 2023, he also joined the FLUKA.CERN Collaboration, where he contributes
to the development of the next generation of FLUKA.CERN Monte Carlo simulation tool.
In his freetime since 2014, he works for Puli Space Technologies as well, currently as Lunar Payload Scientist of the NASA prize winner PLWS lunar neutron spectrometer instrument.
As member of the RADNEXT WP8 work package, the main topic of his doctoral research is the development, validation and application of
simulation tools, features and models for studying stochastic radiation effects in microelectronics around high-energy accelerators and during space missions.
In this field, the PhD work primarily focuses on the development of the FLUKA.CERN Monte Carlo particle transport simulation tool,
enhancing its Single Event Effect simulation capabilities, which is one of the milestones of the RADNEXT project (MS28: “Validation of FLUKA SEE module”).
In the mean time, he also develops this website of the RADNEXT project.