Luca Weninger

PhD student (WP05)
Jean Monnet University
Supervisor: Sylvain Girard


Luca Weninger got his Bachelor’s degree in Ingegneria Elettronica at Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy, in 2018. He then got his Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering at the same university in 2021. He performed a master thesis on optical fiber-based dosimetry. In October 2021, Luca started his doctorate at the Hubert Curien laboratory of University of Saint Etienne, France, inside the MOPERE research group. His PhD thesis’ main objective consists in studying and characterizing different fiber optic and microelectronic solutions for dosimetry and beam instrumentation at the radiation facilities involved in the RADNEXT project.


My contribution to the RADNEXT WP5 can be divided in two parts. First, I will continue the research activities started within the Hubert Curien laboratory (MOPERE group) to study the potential of fiber optics for dosimetry and beam instrumentation. This work will focus on the advantages and limitations of the different types of optical fibers and interrogation techniques for the monitoring of the irradiation facilities within the RADNEXT consortium. This work will be done in close collaboration with University of Oldenburg. Second, in collaboration with CERN, my role will be to study the potential and improve the performances of some microelectronic technologies for low-cost dosimetry in a variety of environments.