Vincent Girones
PhD student (WP07)
University of Montpellier
Supervisor: Jérôme Boch
For 5 years I have been studying electronics in the professional world on a work-study basis. I started with two years within the company Nuclear-Adapt by participating in the design of sensors and robotic systems for radiative environments. Following these two years, I validated my diploma as a technician in electrical engineering and industrial computer science. Then, I have worked for 3 years at Thales AVS where I supported the development of inertia sensors as well as flight actuators. This allowed me to validate my engineering degree in embedded electronic systems from ENSEIRB-MATMECA. For the PhD project, I will develop my thesis in the Université de Montpellier in the framework of the RADNEXT project.
The work will focus on Total Ionizing Dose (TID) effects. The main objective is to understand the physical mechanisms behind the damage and to propose test methodologies adapted to the use of electronic component and system in a radiation environment. This will be done by the use of a new test facility for TID (X-ray with high energy photons) and compared to conventional TID facility (Cobalt-60).