Work Package WP02/NA1

Communication, dissemination, exploitation and training

Paul Leroux
(KU Leuven)
WP leader
Ennio Capria
Deputy WP leader
Hanne Stas
(KU Leuven)
Communication & Outreach
Gerd Datzmann
(Datzmann interact & innovate)
Communication & Outreach

WP Description

The overall objective of the communication, dissemination, exploitation and training activities within RADNEXT is to increase and maximize the project impact (economic, commercial, societal, environmental, technical, educational, and scientific).

A variety of media will be used for attracting new users (e.g. SMEs), demonstrating relevance of accelerator infrastructures for society, creating visibility and awareness of Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) for the general public, attracting students and researchers to RHA, disseminating results of the Joint Research Activities, and identifying and fostering knowledge transfer and IP licensing. Irradiation results from RADNEXT beam time will be disseminated and irradiation data of selected components will be included in the RADNEXT Preferred Parts List.

An Industrial Advisory Panel with a diverse specialized participation will be set up to increase the possibility of effective “market pull” actions. The work package will provide support for market assessment, assist the evaluation of commercialization opportunities, offer guidelines and support on different aspects of IP and advise the research projects regarding the preparation of Business Plans. RADNEXT will reach out for new collaborations among the RADNEXT facilities and users from industry and take dedicated measures for bridging the gap between science and industry to support and lower the threshold for radiation hardness testing. To stimulate a close interaction with industry, three RADNEXT-to-Industry events will be organized.

A review of training activities will be carried out and synergies will be investigated between different training courses within Europe, especially with the European Joint Master on Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP). A dedicated training repository will be established and (on-line) training material will be developed on the topics of radiation effects in electronics and photonics, irradiation facilities and their differences, complementarities, access constraints, and test setup preparation.